Face-up and photos

Poor Modilgi 😛
The eyelashes became way to prominent, and they photograph orange 😛 Here is one not so edited photo:

But it’s fine for now, here are some more awesome, and heavily edited photos of her:
Tiny Modigli <3
Tiny Modigli <3
Tiny Modigli <3

Chloe's face

I decided to share how her face-up looks now, even if I’m selling. To tell you the truth, I almost backed out of the sale yesterday. She is just so darn photogenic! But I know she’ll be more appreciated elsewhere, so there.

New faces

I just wiped Chloe, even though she was close to what I want her to be, something was off and seriously bugging me, and I’m not giving up on her quite yet!
Lusis have waited for ever for a new face too, so she is wiped too! She’ll be pretty much exactly the way she was, but I’m aiming for better lashes this time 😉 I’m terrified when wiping her, because I’m scared she’ll end up not looking like herself.
I have no idea what I’ll do with Chloe this time though.. I was thinking of either trying purple eyeshadow, reaaally dark brown  or just a very light natural eyeshadow. This is my problem, I can never decide, and when I do I change my mind during, and end up trying to cover the last layer with a new layer and it all turns into a giant mess of badly matched colors ;P
One of the reasons I’m brave enough to do this is I have a new paint I want to test for lashes, and also a new brush ^^ And also, I’m having extreme problems bonding with Chloe, so if I don’t get her right soon I might try to trade her head for a Rheia. I don’t want to sell her though, and I really hope I can finally get her right.. I suppose I could also ship her to someone more talented, but since I’m not sure how I want her to look I don’t want to spend tons of money on getting her done professionally 😛
Stay tuned for photos ;D (probably not today though)

Chloe's face-up, part 2

Allright! Part deux:

Darkened the lips and continued with eyeliner

Added hairs on the eyebrows

The next step was just finishing touches with paint, MSC, and finally gloss.
Hello beautiful 🙂

And finishing off with a photo not taken with my cellphone 😛
New face, againWhen I was finished I wasn’t too sure about the face-up.. The lashes photograph orange-y even if they aren’t… The lashes are also extremely messy, as well as the eyebrow hairs. On top of that I’m not sure of browns are her colors 😛
But after a while I felt good about it, though I’m thinking of doing almost exactly the same but using purples for her eyeshadow next time 😛
We’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow, its no doubt that this face-up is technically better than many older ones though! Yaay for improvement.

Face-up for Chloe, Part 1

While I’m waiting for the paint to dry so I can spray another layer of MSC, here’s what I’ve done so far:

Drying in a box, to keep the dust away (my room is 90% dust)

Making space and gathering what I'll be needing

I drew on some lines to guide me later, and first blushing layer.

I just want to say that this is the first step where stuff starts to go “wrong”. The problem is that my hand draws different lashes depending on what side of her face I’m working on, her left side always gets longer lashes close to her tear duct than the other side. And I go a little crazy, drawing on too many lashes. I’m also unsure about direction of the lashes, and that shows in my work.
A little more blushing, and testing with an eye to see how it all looks

Eyebrows are in, and I've used paint to enhance the eyefold lines, and corners of her mouth

Okay, I feel like I’m missing a step in between there 😛 But I basically went a little wild with both paint and pastels, and re-added the white lines on her lips (I want them to be there, but not be too prominent). This far I’m sort of happy, I just want her lips to be darker and I have to paint her eyeliner next.
Of course I spent ages on her eyebrows, and I know when I’m to start adding hairs that I’ll mess up so bad. And I’m not sure if I should add more color to her lids or not, if I’m going to add more layers of pastels on her lips the rest is bound to get paler with each MSC layer.
Next part coming up later!

Chloe is getting a new face, again!

Allright, I’m finally ready to try out new things!
I browsed flickr for face-ups that are natural, but “heavy”, for inspiration. By that I mean I want her to look natural but not have a nude face-up. I want her lashes to show, and have blushing in her cheeks and so on, but no weird fantasy colored eyelids like I usually do. I’ve always been told my face-ups are natural, but I don’t agree. There is nothing natural about red eyelids. River had red and yellow eyeshadow.
I’m also going to try painting eyelid-folds again.. I really love how they look, but I’m not going for a dramatic lid though, hopefully just some faint lines that help define the mood.
For natural colors, I’ve noticed people use a lot of green! Not like neon green, but take Alva for instance. When she got here she had a face-up done by another artist, and it seemed very natural to me, brown tones but not red-browns like I always end up with. When I removed the face-up my entire cotton swab was green!
The danger with browns for me is that it always looks red or orange 😛 So I’m going to be patient, experiment and work with several layers.
She is currently drying from her first layer of MSC, and to be honest I usually only spray once before starting, but this time I’m going to do two layers since that seems to be the norm out there. Hopefully it’ll make a difference 😛
A lot of talk from me, but I’m excited and scared at the same time 😛 I may take progress photos with my cellphone to show you how it goes, even if I fail miserably!

I'm going to try something new

I’m going to go out of my comfort zone, and try something new with face-ups!
When I do face-ups on my own dolls I usually just start without having much of an idea how I want the doll to end up. So this time I’m doing research first! I’m not going to copy someone else’s face-up, but get inspired and see what colors I like together, what sort of eyebrows I like, and so on.
I’m terrible with colors, but this time I’m going to try using a bit different colors than what I usually do. I still want to use warm colors, but I’m going to try and stay away from red for the eyeshadow for once, lol ^^
Lastly, I’m going to try and pile it on! Most of my face-ups end up sort of pale, maybe even a bit washed out. I think I do it because I’m too impatient, and also I’m scared it’ll be too much. But if I want to learn and get better, I can’t afford to be scared, and I have to experiment.
I only wish MSC was cheaper and easier to come by. Thats the main reason why I’m so careful with face-ups. I’m scared I’ll end up with a horrible looking doll and no spray D:
Anyway! Chloe and Lusis are both up for new face-ups, so they’ll be my test subjects, mohaha! I hope I’ll start this project soon, but I’m going to take my time. I usually finish a face-up within an hour, but not this time! If I feel I’m stuck, I’m going to put them away and continue later.
Wish me luck <3

First face

I couldn’t wait, I did a super quick face-up, so quick in fact that I messed up several little things, and I found out that making lines for eyelids just isn’t my thing. She’ll get a new face-up whenever my MSC UV cut arrives (if it ever does) but I’ll probably use the same colors because I love how she turned out!