Chloe is getting a new face, again!

Allright, I’m finally ready to try out new things!
I browsed flickr for face-ups that are natural, but “heavy”, for inspiration. By that I mean I want her to look natural but not have a nude face-up. I want her lashes to show, and have blushing in her cheeks and so on, but no weird fantasy colored eyelids like I usually do. I’ve always been told my face-ups are natural, but I don’t agree. There is nothing natural about red eyelids. River had red and yellow eyeshadow.
I’m also going to try painting eyelid-folds again.. I really love how they look, but I’m not going for a dramatic lid though, hopefully just some faint lines that help define the mood.
For natural colors, I’ve noticed people use a lot of green! Not like neon green, but take Alva for instance. When she got here she had a face-up done by another artist, and it seemed very natural to me, brown tones but not red-browns like I always end up with. When I removed the face-up my entire cotton swab was green!
The danger with browns for me is that it always looks red or orange 😛 So I’m going to be patient, experiment and work with several layers.
She is currently drying from her first layer of MSC, and to be honest I usually only spray once before starting, but this time I’m going to do two layers since that seems to be the norm out there. Hopefully it’ll make a difference 😛
A lot of talk from me, but I’m excited and scared at the same time 😛 I may take progress photos with my cellphone to show you how it goes, even if I fail miserably!