Face-up for Chloe, Part 1

While I’m waiting for the paint to dry so I can spray another layer of MSC, here’s what I’ve done so far:

Drying in a box, to keep the dust away (my room is 90% dust)

Making space and gathering what I'll be needing

I drew on some lines to guide me later, and first blushing layer.

I just want to say that this is the first step where stuff starts to go “wrong”. The problem is that my hand draws different lashes depending on what side of her face I’m working on, her left side always gets longer lashes close to her tear duct than the other side. And I go a little crazy, drawing on too many lashes. I’m also unsure about direction of the lashes, and that shows in my work.
A little more blushing, and testing with an eye to see how it all looks

Eyebrows are in, and I've used paint to enhance the eyefold lines, and corners of her mouth

Okay, I feel like I’m missing a step in between there 😛 But I basically went a little wild with both paint and pastels, and re-added the white lines on her lips (I want them to be there, but not be too prominent). This far I’m sort of happy, I just want her lips to be darker and I have to paint her eyeliner next.
Of course I spent ages on her eyebrows, and I know when I’m to start adding hairs that I’ll mess up so bad. And I’m not sure if I should add more color to her lids or not, if I’m going to add more layers of pastels on her lips the rest is bound to get paler with each MSC layer.
Next part coming up later!