New faces

I just wiped Chloe, even though she was close to what I want her to be, something was off and seriously bugging me, and I’m not giving up on her quite yet!
Lusis have waited for ever for a new face too, so she is wiped too! She’ll be pretty much exactly the way she was, but I’m aiming for better lashes this time 😉 I’m terrified when wiping her, because I’m scared she’ll end up not looking like herself.
I have no idea what I’ll do with Chloe this time though.. I was thinking of either trying purple eyeshadow, reaaally dark brown  or just a very light natural eyeshadow. This is my problem, I can never decide, and when I do I change my mind during, and end up trying to cover the last layer with a new layer and it all turns into a giant mess of badly matched colors ;P
One of the reasons I’m brave enough to do this is I have a new paint I want to test for lashes, and also a new brush ^^ And also, I’m having extreme problems bonding with Chloe, so if I don’t get her right soon I might try to trade her head for a Rheia. I don’t want to sell her though, and I really hope I can finally get her right.. I suppose I could also ship her to someone more talented, but since I’m not sure how I want her to look I don’t want to spend tons of money on getting her done professionally 😛
Stay tuned for photos ;D (probably not today though)