I have NO patience

Seriously. Why do I lack patience?
I was re-doing Lusis’ face-up, and of course this time the lashes seriously suck. I don’t know what I did on Ante elf (twice!) but I can’t seem to get them right this time. And since I have no patience, she’ll just have to keep the awful lashes πŸ˜› They are less awful than they were, so it’s absolutely an improvement, but still.
Here she is:


oh my god she is perfect!

I can’t believe it.. I decided since I wasn’t happy with my ante elf’s lips, I’d redo her face-up. I was actually terrified, because the face-up was one of my very best as far as lashes and brows.
But, I removed her face-up, and gave her a new one. It turned out perfect! I absolutely LOVE everything and she is perfect πŸ˜€



ihihiiii πŸ˜€

Sooo cuuuuute!

Sooo happy πŸ˜€

She is just… I love her SO much πŸ˜€ Of course, I loved her before too, but now she looks pretty much like I wanted her to look! And I’m officially in love with Winsor & Newton paints πŸ˜›


Finally! After what feels like centuries without any improvements, I feel I managed to get my face-up skills up a notch today! I’m nowhere near where I want to be of course, but any small step forward makes me happy πŸ˜€
I’ve been using Liquitex paints for a long time, but on this face-up I used Winsor and Newton.
Anyway, my slightly dark elf has turned into the pinkest doll I have, lol ^^ She feels a bit “vintage” to me for some reason.. Haven’t decided if I should glue on eyelashes or not yet πŸ˜›

I even managed eyebrows that look decent

Showing off her not too shabby eyelashes

Can you tell I'm happy with her? πŸ˜›



If I were to do it all over again, I’d probably make her lips a bit lighter. And possibly heavier eyeliner on top of the eyelids. The next thing I have to learn how to do properly is the lines on the lips, I didn’t add them on her because I always mess them up, but they do add anotherΒ dimensionΒ when put on.
Well.. I can’t say much more than I love how she turned out, and that she feels more mine now πŸ™‚

Winsor & Newton brush cleaner ?

I’ve heard so much about it, that it’s pretty much a magical face-up remover. But here’s the fun part. We don’t have it in Norway. Sure, we have the paint, we have the thinner, the brushes, the oil paints, you name it, but no brush cleaner. I find it odd since it’s supposed to be non-toxic and everything.
I’ve been thinking about ordering some from abroad, but I’m not entirely sure it will go through customs? Am I allowed to import it?
I’m obsessing a bit about it because I use acetone free nail polish remover to remove face-ups now (it hasn’t stained Luts, fairyland or Pipos resin, no issues what so ever with it) but I’m sort of allergic to the smell. Or fumes, or whatever. I start sneezing like crazy and can in worst cases end up with a lovely headache.
Oh! In other face-up news, I placed an order for one of those Artjetje brushes! Since everyone has nothing but nice things to say, I figured I may as well try one out! I’m really excited about it, but it’s still on pre-order so it will take a while before I have it in my hands.
Aaanyway.. I removed my newest girls face-up yesterday! I know I know, it was super perfect, but I really want her to be more of a pink girl, I can’t help myself!
Once I started blushing her, I noticed something. The faceplate had probably been sprayed with UV cut MSC, so now her head is a lot lighter than the rest of her. It’s veryΒ noticeableΒ in real life, not so much in photos. Good news though, her wig staining was only on top of the MSC, so now she is all clean ^^ She was actually really dirty, as we all know MSC attracts dirt like crazy and she is an older doll, so it felt SO nice getting her all cleaned up.
I know Im going to mess it up once I start with paint, but here’s the result so far:

I have to admit I like her more this way πŸ˜›

Gotta love those cheeks

relaxing with my bunny

Photo time!

I just couldn’t leave Lusis’ face-up alone πŸ˜› I darkened her lips, and tried to make her lashes darker, they are kind of a mess but I’ve ordered some more supplies and MSC, so I’ll be able to do her over again when it all arrives πŸ™‚ (according to ebay seller the MSC should be here mid October!)
I also dabbled with pukifee Luna’s face, I’m learning so much doing her face! I think I have enough MSC to do her face one more time when my new paints and pastels arrive ;D

She's pouting because she wants her new eyes to arrive, and a sister her own size!

Even with ugly lashes she is beautiful πŸ™‚

Darker lips, maybe too dark?


I lied

I didn’t give up, lol ^^ I really am going to drive myself crazy πŸ˜› I tried making Lusis’ lashes longer, and suddenly I realized what I had done in her first face-up that I didn’t do the last couple of times. And BOY, she looks so much like herself again!

Hello there miss stunning dolly you!

gah! So beautiful <3

It feels so good to have her back!

I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of doing her face-up again to make her lips darker now! But since I am running out of MSC she’ll stay this way until I get the two new cans I just ordered. I’m also going to practice mixing my browns, it always turns out more red/orangy than it looks on my palette!
We tried on a yosd wig, looking better already ;D

So, yup, thats it for today I think πŸ˜›

Face-ups once more

Allright.. I have to stop now before I drive myself insane πŸ˜›
First up, my pukifee Luna. This is her fourth face-up, and I’m still not satisfied πŸ˜› But I’m hoping that once she gets her wig and eyes she’ll look tons better! But I did put up a WTB thread for the faceplate with fairyland face-up on DoA, because without an airbrush I’ll never get her coloring how I want it. She is just too pale for me, and layers of pastels just wasn’t turning out how I imagined.

Don't I look better now?

Next up, Lusis. Her lashes turned out a bit too short, I didn’t even notice before I photographed her, and I still think her lips are too pale (sometimes MSC darkens colors, sometimes it lightens it, and the same problem with gloss!) but she looks a lot more like herself now! And with the tinybear wig coming eventually, she’ll look even better πŸ˜€

I promise to take better photos of them soon, poor darlings!

My best face-up yet, but bad news

I finally gave Lusis a new face-up. It’s the best face-up I’ve done so far, I really like her lashes and everything.. but it’s not her. So I’m going to wipe it..
It may just be that I need to get used to the face-up, but she looks so different, and not in a good way. I have no idea what went wrong, since everything is really well done!

I did her teeth piece too, it was flaking

Doesn't she look... weird?

I guess the brown in her eyeshadow didn’t fit her as well as I thought, she was better with a bit of red in there.. and the lips need to be more pink, they are a lot paler in real life. Poor girl..
I think one of the reasons why she looks so different is that I went with a thicker eyeliner on the top of her lids, which makes her eyes seem more open that previously.

I suck

I really suck at face-ups. I’m not at all happy with this, but it does look a lot better in real life πŸ˜›
Okay, what I actually like is the lips, the color is pretty. I also kind of like her top eyeliner. The lashes turned out better than I had hoped, but I’m thinking I should have gone with black or even paler brown, the color now is kinda horrid πŸ˜›
Anyway, at least she has a face, and I’ll probably give her a new one when I get hold of glass eyes and a wig for her ^^

The eyebrows look awful, but are pretty nice in real life!

Dots by her eyes, fairysprinkle ;D

Snack time


I went with pinks a little bit of purple, but I really think the brown I used clashes with that pallet.


I really think I’m improving, Baha is nearing completion, the dollzone head is just a couple of steps from being finished, and I finished the extra Lishe face-plate I had laying around! The first two are a friend of mine’s, the Lishe plate I’m planning on selling.

I'm going to look awesome!

Ooh yeah, sexeh πŸ˜€

One very happy girl ^^ Im gonna miss that smile for sure