Good news everyone

Celine is on her way to her new home 🙂
It’s always bitter sweet to say goodbye to a doll, and I always get second thoughts when I’m putting them into the box, but once they are out of the house I know I’ve made the right choice 🙂
I’ve started researching airbrushes and compressors, and the good news is that I’ve found what I want to buy, the bad news is I can’t find it in Norway. Amazon has it, but there is some insane shipping on heavy stuff, and I’m not sure if I can just use an adapter for the power or not. Oh yeah, and on top of the price of the compressor, airbrush and shipping, customs will demand 25% of that total price + some extra fees, and there is no way I can afford that :S I’m going to contact a couple of places and hear what they have to say. I’m sure I can find another compressor, but not the same airbrush. I’m really not keen on ordering stuff like this on ebay, in case there are fakes out there.
I already ordered the materials that Andreja uses for sealing, the liquitex matte varnish and medium if I remember correctly. Yes, I may have ordered it a tiny bit early, but I couldn’t help myself!
And I finally broke down and contacted Fairyland earlier this week, and they got back to me. I did get a long “standard” answer, that it usually takes between 35-60 days, and those days start when payment is confirmed, and does not include saturdays and sundays and holidays. I wish I could reply to their comment, because as of today I’ve been waiting 69 working days. Yes, it’s close to 60, but faaar from 35 😛 But, they did also say they estimate her shipping sometime next week, so it shouldn’t be too long now.
Sometimes waiting too long actually kills the joy somewhat for me. I don’t know why, but I guess I’ve never been that patient.
Oh! I just realized that I can blush her rabbit feet much easier if I get my airbrush in the end ^^ Hooray 😀

Celine is for sale

I put Celine on Den of Angels today, and even though I know she’ll weigh more than 1kg to ship, I put that shipping price on her anyways because I know no one will want to pay the actual shipping :/ The prices for shipping is just insane, it makes it really difficult not only to sell dolls, but anything else too.
I finally managed to kind of get photos of the marks I’ve been talking about below her lips, but I could only get the one on her left side to actually show up:
I also grabbed a pic of her new profile:
I really think it’s such an improvement, so I’m really bummed that I didn’t bond with her after all that work.
She’s really pretty, but she’s just not mine.

Time to make some decisions

I was thinking about keeping Celine in case I ever wanted to just buy another head, but lately I’ve been thinking that maybe I’d like to have my next MNF doll on the a-line body, and to be honest there aren’t any MNF’s I’d like at the moment (apart from Nanuri-14 and Liria, which both are way to expensive right now) so I might go ahead and sell her. I know I wont get the full amount back because of my modding-error, but I was thinking that maybe I can put the money towards an airbrush and compressor!
I’m getting really sick of buying MSC, and all the troubles that go with it. It usually takes months by boat to get it, and I have a feeling that the temperature changes on the boats can mess with the quality of the spray. And now that the formula has changed, according to some rumors I’ve heard, I’m going to have to stop using MSC anyway. The new sprays have “matte” instead of “flat” on them if I remember correctly, and the name isn’t the only thing that has changed. According to a faceup artist I came across on instagram, the new formula ends up cracking after a short while, and is just not suitable for faceups any more.
I’m also sick of the MSC residue everywhere, and having to wear a mask. It’s also expensive, and like I mentioned it takes a long while to get to me too. With an airbrush, I’m able to order my materials from England, and even if I have to learn to work with a new material and tool, I think it would be worth it in the end. I’ve wanted an airbrush for years, but the prices of the compressors are so high.
I need to take proper photos before I put her up for sale, and I’ll have to figure out what to charge. Her body is in pristine condition, so that’s good 🙂
I’m also debating whether or not to contact Fairyland and ask for an estimated shipping date for my May. On Monday, it’ll be a week over 60 working days, or 5 working days over to be exact. I feel like it’s too early to nag them about it, but I’m slowly dying on the inside waiting for news 😛 The downside to asking is that according to themselves, it can delay my order for up to 3 days :S I’ll see if my patience can hold on a little longer 🙂

60 working days, and no sign of May

Honestly, when people started getting their dolls so quickly, I was hoping I would too. I joined the waiting list on Den of Angels, and have watched people order dolls, get them shipped, and received.
Fairyland probably prepared by casting some dolls they knew where going to be popular before the start of the event, which is smart.. But it is a little frustrating watching people that ordered 3 dolls weeks after I placed my order, getting them home when I’m still waiting for any news at all.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy for those lucky ones that didn’t have to wait long, and I’m loving all the new dolly pics around the internet 🙂 Especially Liria, oh how I wish I could have ordered her, she is really beautiful!
One of these days I’m going to be among the lucky, but it appears I wasn’t this time around. Now all I can do is continue waiting, trying hard to fight the urge to ask fairyland where my doll is 😛
I’ve also been looking at flickr again, looking at everyones realfees really helps with the long wait 🙂 People have started making clothes, making hybrids, and even some custom faceups! It seems that people really like the bodies, and that’s really exciting 😀 And it seems most agree that the pukifee heads are a good fit for the body too, I see that more often than the LTF faces. I’m not sure I can resist trying Litja’s face on the body too, though the body is too mature for her character 🙂
I’d like to share a photo from Flickr user lilaseven, for some reason I just love May without clothes, and she looks just like mine will, NS skin and BW bunny parts:
Cuteee <3
Isn’t she gorgeous? She even tamed the wig a little 🙂 I’m still not a huge fan of the bangs, but I rarely am 😛 I like long bangs the most. But look at this delicate photo <3

Celine and some ponies!

I’ve given Celine 3 faceups in total, and I just cant get it right. I’m weird this way, if I cant get a faceup that I like on a doll, I get frustrated and cant really bond with her as a result. The only doll that wasn’t this way is Kira, my Lusis 😛 I’d bond with her all over again even if she had a sharpie faceup, lol ^^
I’m a little unsure of what to do. I’d trade the Celine head if she didn’t have the white spots from my modding (which I still find extremely odd). But even if she was perfect and I was able to trade her, I have no idea what head I’d like instead. I love the Nanuri 14 head, but those go for like $300 for just the head. I’m also loving the new Liria sculpt that isn’t available any more, but I’m not sure she is for me. I’m guessing she wont come cheap either.
In any case, I’m keeping Celine for now. I think. I really like having 3 MSD at home 🙂
Here is a bad pic of the latest faceup:
Celine 3.0
She always ends up so cold, no matter how much warmth I try to add to her colors. I dont understand why I just cannot get her to work. I’ll try to take a pic with eyes later so you can see it better, I ended the faceup where I did because I thought it looked good, but no eyes or wigs work for her. Poor dear!
Edit: I just snapped a quick picture to show what I mean, there’s something off about her:
I’m also having some fun with ponies. I have perhaps bitten off more than I can chew! One small pony and one large, the small one will only get a new face, while the large pony I’m hoping to re-root as well! I just need to find the funds to order some hair 🙂
Large pony
Creepy, right? XD I simply put her head in hot water for a few seconds and pulled her head straight off. Removing the tail was easy, but the rest of her mane was a little worse, but not as bad as a monster high doll.
Tiny pony
This is the tiny pony, I used the same process of hot water and pulling to get her head off. Removing her tail would be a little worse than the large pony, as the has a plug in her neck, it’s attached to her body. I’m guessing there’s glue there, so you’d have to soften the glue and prod with something to get it completely off, and gluing it back again once you’re done.
Both ponies are Fluttershy, my very favorite pony 🙂 I also want to buy a small Rainbow Dash pony to customize, her blue color is gorgeous 🙂

So many new realfee around!

But mine still hasn’t shipped!
But it’s seriously amazing to see all the colorful and beautiful realfee’s 🙂 Just a quick search on flickr turned up so many results! Good on fairyland too, it seems they were better prepared during this event!
Some have gotten Liria too, and I’m a little sad to admit that I kind of like her. She’s gonna be super expensive on the marketplace :S
But for me, the most fun has been to see some May spam around 🙂 Seems Pano was more popular though. I personally think that the eyelid-crease is way too heavy on May’s default faceup. It really bothers me as I’m liking the rest of the faceup more and more, but that crease, just wow. I’m also toying more and more with the idea of modding the sleeping faceplate. She does seem to have a “weird” nose that I’m not sure I’ll like or not, so it would be perfect to test out some things on the sleeping plate 🙂
I’m super excited to get my fullset home, I just hope it wont be too long now! The estimated date is coming closer and closer, but I know a lot of people where a lot quicker than me to order theirs, and many of them are still waiting too 😛
I also did a little video test with my phone, to see if I can swing doing a box opening video, but it appears that I will have to jailbreak my phone to install something that allows the camera to autofocus during recording :S So I’ll either have to do that, or click to focus manually throughout the recording process. I’ll see what I end up doing, might be easier to just take pictures 😛 But I did have my heart set on a video this time.
I’ve also been really sick for over a week now, seems I got a mean flu, so I dont have much else to show you guys or anything. I’m currently working on Celine again, I wanted to give her a new face but it’s proving difficult. I wanted to try and give her a faceup inspired by the default May one, but I just cant get the colors to work. I’m also struggling majorly with her eyelashes 😛
If/when she is finished I’ll upload photos 🙂

A month of waiting

People are starting to receive their blank Realfees! I’ve seen a few blank Pano’s around, and he is so cute! Many have ordered him as a girl too, so it will be fun to see him/her with custom faceups 🙂
I’m guessing I still have a long wait ahead of me, at least another month or so, but it’s still nice to see that Fairyland is being quicker with shipping out blank dolls.
I’m loving what I’ve seen so far, I can’t wait to see more May dolls arrive, so far I haven’t found a single one! Maybe Pano was a little more popular? I can’t blame people for that though, his ears are so adorable <3
I don’t have much else to say, except that I found some cute little frames for my dollhouse 🙂 I found them in the scrapbook department, and I hope to get some pics later. They are white, so they fit very well with the theme I had in mind for one of the 4 rooms 🙂

2 weeks!

I have waited for my May for 2 weeks, aaaaah! I must admit I have even been checking the order status way too often, even though I know there is zero chance of her shipping this early 😛
I also completely fell for these two dresses:
The stawberry one is already sold out on Fairyland, which is fine because with EMS shipping on top of the $45 dress, there was no way I’d be able to afford even one of them.. I think the strawberry one would be adorable with the regular legs, and the white would look stunning with the bunny legs <3
Even if I’m not able to snag the dresses, it was so much fun to see more pics of May 🙂 I adore the wig she has on, but I couldn’t find it for sale on Fairyland :/ Which again, is perfectly fine. I wish they’d to airmail for smaller items like clothing, wigs, hands, eyes and so on. I actually sort of like the eyes she’s wearing in the photos above, despite not liking sparkly eyes 😛 It’s just something about the color that suits her so well I think 🙂
I’m actually starting to really like her faceup as well.. I may not change it after all 😛 At least not right away.
I’ve also been toying with the idea of modding her sleepy face, I’d love to see how she’d look with “mystic”-style eyes 🙂

Fairyland, staph

Let me get this straight.
Fairyland sold 500 dolls, stopped taking orders for several days, then released a NEW freaking mold that will only be available for 10 days, including 67 already sold out full sets?
Strap yourselves down for an incredibly long wait/sloppy quality control. I just hope my girl wont arrive with too many issues :/ I remember that one time people got their full set outfits and they didn’t fit the doll. I also remember the time when people got dolls with markings all over.
I’m really curious to see how long people will have to wait for their dolls though, it’ll be nerve wracking around estimated shipping time :S Now I’m thinking I will definitely record my box opening so I can prove any mistakes or issues with the doll and her clothing.
I’m guessing I’m not the only one who is slightly annoyed with Fairyland over this, I just hope that people who ordered well before the event wont have to suffer over this.
Fairyland, please don’t let us down!

I was just in time!

My realfee order is now processing 🙂 Fairyland has received my payment, hooray! 😀 The waiting game has officially begun.
And it was just in time it seems, yesterday the complete packages sold out, and today the basics are sold out as well. Actually, all dolls are temporarily marked as sold out until the 20th of June, but if I understand correctly, the realfee will not be available as basics again after the 20th either.
If Fairyland stays true to the 60 days processing, my May should ship around the beginning of September, but I have a feeling it’ll take longer because of how many orders they have received (over 500 during event).
I’ve been toying with the idea of making a box opening video when she gets here, if I can manage it. I’d like to take pictures as well, so it might be a bit much. I guess I’ll check youtube around the time I get her, if there are openings identical to mine I might not bother with it. I doubt I’ll be among the first to receive my doll, so 😛
I’m just so excited right now, I didn’t think I’d be able to order her, and then I was sure Fairyland would forget about me while I was waiting to pay for her, and now it’s all sort of official, she is mine, I just have to try and be patient 🙂 Its been so long since I’ve felt this way about a doll, I hope my feelings wont change when I see her in real life 😛 I’m just so happy, and I feel so lucky!