So many new realfee around!

But mine still hasn’t shipped!
But it’s seriously amazing to see all the colorful and beautiful realfee’s 🙂 Just a quick search on flickr turned up so many results! Good on fairyland too, it seems they were better prepared during this event!
Some have gotten Liria too, and I’m a little sad to admit that I kind of like her. She’s gonna be super expensive on the marketplace :S
But for me, the most fun has been to see some May spam around 🙂 Seems Pano was more popular though. I personally think that the eyelid-crease is way too heavy on May’s default faceup. It really bothers me as I’m liking the rest of the faceup more and more, but that crease, just wow. I’m also toying more and more with the idea of modding the sleeping faceplate. She does seem to have a “weird” nose that I’m not sure I’ll like or not, so it would be perfect to test out some things on the sleeping plate 🙂
I’m super excited to get my fullset home, I just hope it wont be too long now! The estimated date is coming closer and closer, but I know a lot of people where a lot quicker than me to order theirs, and many of them are still waiting too 😛
I also did a little video test with my phone, to see if I can swing doing a box opening video, but it appears that I will have to jailbreak my phone to install something that allows the camera to autofocus during recording :S So I’ll either have to do that, or click to focus manually throughout the recording process. I’ll see what I end up doing, might be easier to just take pictures 😛 But I did have my heart set on a video this time.
I’ve also been really sick for over a week now, seems I got a mean flu, so I dont have much else to show you guys or anything. I’m currently working on Celine again, I wanted to give her a new face but it’s proving difficult. I wanted to try and give her a faceup inspired by the default May one, but I just cant get the colors to work. I’m also struggling majorly with her eyelashes 😛
If/when she is finished I’ll upload photos 🙂