A general update

I’ve been a bit busy lately, I’m just done with school and am unemployed, so I’m searching like crazy for jobs, and it’s not easy at all.
I’ve also been working on some face-ups for a friend, Baha is still a way from being complete but the other head is coming along nicely.
I’m also very unsure about Lusis’ chest piece. I actually think the big ones are a little too big for her, but I doubt I’ll be happy with the completely flat ones, I really wish there was a medium. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love her to death, I’ve been completely unable to do anything without her by my side, lol ^^ I just can’t wait to get her new eyes, then I’ll do her face-up again.
One day soon I’ll have to get everyone out of their boxes, Lusis has pretty much stolen all my attention the last few days 😉 She’s a clever little thing!

Yeah, she is stunning ;D

Oh, and I am planning on buying another Dollzone Feilian one of these days, I’ve been in touch with the dealer on eBay several times actually, and she told me that Dollzone is pretty backed up on orders right now so if anyone is planning on ordering, prepare for insane waiting!
And guess what. I want another Lusis. I want the body and a sleeping faceplate, that I’m going to open up a little bit. She really has me addicted 😛 But she still hasn’t told me her name, I think she’s waiting for her new eyes ;D

Face-up #1 :P

I’m not happy with this one at all, I think the eyeshadow color don’t fit her and the eyelashes turned out pretty bad, though they look worse in photos than they do in real life. Either way, I’m keeping this face-up until I get to know her better 🙂


She is drowning in this wig, it’s 7/8″ and she is supposed to wear 6/7″, but I still love how it looks on her and it’ll have to do until I can get her something new 🙂 I also can’t wait to get other eyes for her, I think that will make it easier to get her face-up right as well 🙂
I’m slowly coming down from the shock of actually owning my holy grail doll, and I’m starting to get to know her better 🙂 She has a small issue with the left elbow piece, it won’t stay in the groove thingies like the one on her right does, but I’m not too annoyed by it. She’s wearing a dollzone outfit in these photos, it’s actually too small for her, lol ^^ I don’t get why people call unoas slim MSDs, there is nothing slim about her at all 😉 She’s so gorgeous, I can’t seem to do anything without having her by my side 😀

Working on my new girl!

I’m just giving her a super quick face-up right now, to make her more mine and also to see how I want her to end up. I’m guessing this will be the first of many face-ups to come 😛
I was more or less asleep earlier today when I posted the box opening photos, and now that I’m more awake I can tell you that I love her even more! 😀 I had to go out for this small course thing, and I honestly missed her so much! Oh, before I went out though, I thought her arms were acting sort of weird, and it turns out her left hand was strung on her right side and the other way around, so no wonder! I ended up restringing her completely, though I still think she might be a bit loose in her body, I also kind of like her this way ^^
I tried putting River next to her though, and boy that pink resin makes her look so yellow 😛 Poor thing, lol ^^ I can’t wait to finish her first face-up and have her back in my arms, it’s torture having to wait for MSC layers to dry, I just want to out her back together and hold her and stare at her 😛
Money well spent, and trade well worth it!

Holy grail box opening!

Ever since I got my tracking number I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve had dreams as well as nightmares about this. I don’t know if you know what its like, to want a doll this bad, be completely sure you wont be able to get one until you’re 60, and when it suddenly happens its joy and fear at once, finally I’ll have her but what if I don’t like her and so on. Because sometimes the dream can be better than reality!
Well, since I knew she’d be at the post office today, I didn’t get much sleep at all. My nightmares included that the post had shipped her from my town to some other random town far away from here 😛
Anyway, I was up once at 5 am, and I got up again at 9 am, I didn’t even make a coffee before dressing and running to get her. Since this is my holy grail doll, I decided to do the box opening myself, and I apologize in advance for the horrid photos 😛

The red smart post box!

lol, the tiny(!) box within the big one!

*cue religious music* never thought I'd see this box in real life!

Someone knows how to ship a doll 😉

getting closer...

Cloooser... (by the way, I love getting little notes when I adopt dolls!)

*grabby hands*


oh lord..

Some temporary borrowed clothes!



My conclusion: I love her.. I absolutely love her! I was prepared for her being a bit floppy, so I’m going to take her apart one day and clean her and string her a bit tighter, and of course eventually I’ll give her a new face-up, I’m thinking pink tones for her, and oooh my god how I love the resin! She has such a nice weight, and she is just… Honestly, I haven’t been able to put her down!
Her skin color is absolutely more yellow than fairyland NS, but she isn’t yellow in the sense that you look at her and think “oh my what a yellow doll”. I actually really love her color. And I love her “chunky” body, and I say chunky because I’m used to the amazingly skinny minifees, and I have to say its really comfortable to have a doll that looks more healthy, if that makes any sense at all.
I have one of my two holy grail dolls! I have my very own Lusis!! I can’t thank her previous owner enough, I promise that she’ll be loved for years to come, she’ll probably be spoiled rotten and won’t see the inside of her box other than for sleeping ;D
Oh, and I also promise to take better photos soon, the above photos don’t show even a third of her actual beauty!