
I recently placed my order for the Fingertip dreamlands Hemera-maru cyclops kitty!
I think there will be a long wait ahead of us, but ever since I saw a couple of these guys on instragram, Iยดve been wanting one of my own ๐Ÿ™‚ I`m so happy I was able to get one, I really wanted all of them but maybe another day ๐Ÿ™‚

Fairyline body

To my big surprise I got an email from Fairyland telling me that my order is shipped! That is way before the expected date (sometime in August) so I hope they didn’t rush too much and send me a bad body ๐Ÿ˜›
It also seems like I’ll be getting the pukifee event faceplate.
Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 12.21.05
I’m not sure how I feel about it, it’s kinda cute? It would be fun to add some color to it, see if I like her better that way. But I don’t really have plans to add another pukifee to the family. It’ll still be fun to see it in real life ๐Ÿ™‚

Tomorrow might be the day!

I believe May will be coming home tomorrow, and to be honest I had already given up on filming the boxopening. None of the recording devices I have will focus automatically, and none offer me a good view of what I’m actually filming while opening the box. It’s also hard to see if things are in focus or not. My other challenges were that I don’t know anything about editing videos! Final issue, no good lighting! It will be late when I finally get the change to open her up, so natural light is out of the question.
I decided to try and tackle all the issues I were having as best I could. I propped up my camera, turned on my daylight lamp, and did a small test-shoot. Obviously I had to use a really high ISO, big aperture, and I had to move back to check if I was in frame and try and see on the tiny screen if things were in focus. I decided it looked okay, not professional or anything but I’ve seen worse.
I remembered that I have imovie somewhere, and I think I can do something decent with that. I even found some royalty free music I can use. So I guess I’m going to give this thing a go after all ๐Ÿ˜›

Fairy Line

Fairyland has posted a short video on youtube featuring a new girl in their new line, the Fairy line.
Oh boy are we in trouble! I’m astounded by the work behind these new bodies, they are opening up for more customization than ever before, and I imagine making hybrids will be easier too now that the neck piece is so much easier to remove.
I must also admit I’m loving the new mermaid girl, she looks really gorgeous, even if I’m not sure I’d enjoy the mermaid tail as much. It seems fun for a photo or two, but isn’t really for me. But with the same changing system as the realfee, adding new legs will be a breeze, and I’m sure Fairyland will give us more in the future.
As much as I complain about Fairyland, and despite all the issues I’ve had with them over the years, there really isn’t anyone who can compete with the “mechanics” of their dolls. I can’t begin to imagine how much word they must have put into making this new body. The only thing that concerns me are the arms. They seem to be too easy to remove, that they may get worn out and just fall out randomly ๐Ÿ˜› But I may be wrong of course. The videos always make things look easier than they are when I try them out ๐Ÿ˜›
And! May is finally in Norway! ๐Ÿ˜€ She is currently traveling to my town, but since she hasn’t arrived at the sorting facility here yet I doubt that I’ll get her tomorrow, though there is always that tiny hope ๐Ÿ˜› Cross your fingers for me! I really hope she’ll like the name Story once she arrives. It’s such an awesome name, and I still love my old ante elf that had the name first (though no big regrets on selling her way back when) so it would be nice to pay a little tribute to her.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the new awesome video from Fairyland, watch it now:


I finally got my shipping notice, and she has already left Korea!
My extremely long wait is finally coming to an end! ๐Ÿ˜€ I still believe she shipped too late to arrive this week though, but it all depends. Even if she flew over here super fast, the customs could be slow, so you never know with these things.
To celebrate, take a look at this lovely May, the NS works wonderfully with mint legs:
? (Realfee May)

Photo by Margaux on Flickr, love the mint blushing on the ears, and the wig <3 So perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

Expected shipping notice

…but no such luck. My May is still on “before shipping”.
It wouldn’t be so bad, if it wasn’t for the fact that we have this waitlist on DoA, and I can see that someone who ordered their fullset NS May with BW bunny legs, exactly like me, 11 days after my payment was confirmed and they had their doll at home the 16th of this month.
Our orders seem to be the same, yet for some reason she got hers way before me.
I guess I’ll just have to cross my fingers that she’ll finally ship during the night, I doubt she’ll be home this week in any case.

So excited for May!

Now that I know it wont be long until she ships, I’ve been feeling a little more excited again ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m browsing Etsy for inspiration, lol ^^ I know people say that some Blythe stuff will fit realfee, like I need another excuse to buy Blythe stuff (my poor little azone hybrid still lacks clothes!).
This lovely photo shows a realfee wearing various blythe stuff:
Blythe clothes on RealFee
I especially love the bloomers, and the dress in the bottom left.
A friend also said there are whispers that Delf zuzu stuff fits them, but I’m guessing those items are harder to come by compared to Blythe.
I just hope I get my shipping notice during tonight ^^

Quick update

I just checked on May, and her status is “before shipping”!
Hopefully they’ll ship her tomorrow, and I doubt she’ll make it here this week, most likely early next week, but hooray! Finally some updates ^^

Good news everyone

Celine is on her way to her new home ๐Ÿ™‚
It’s always bitter sweet to say goodbye to a doll, and I always get second thoughts when I’m putting them into the box, but once they are out of the house I know I’ve made the right choice ๐Ÿ™‚
I’ve started researching airbrushes and compressors, and the good news is that I’ve found what I want to buy, the bad news is I can’t find it in Norway. Amazon has it, but there is some insane shipping on heavy stuff, and I’m not sure if I can just use an adapter for the power or not. Oh yeah, and on top of the price of the compressor, airbrush and shipping, customs will demand 25% of that total price + some extra fees, and there is no way I can afford that :S I’m going to contact a couple of places and hear what they have to say. I’m sure I can find another compressor, but not the same airbrush. I’m really not keen on ordering stuff like this on ebay, in case there are fakes out there.
I already ordered the materials that Andreja uses for sealing, the liquitex matte varnish and medium if I remember correctly. Yes, I may have ordered it a tiny bit early, but I couldn’t help myself!
And I finally broke down and contacted Fairyland earlier this week, and they got back to me. I did get a long “standard” answer, that it usually takes between 35-60 days, and those days start when payment is confirmed, and does not include saturdays and sundays and holidays. I wish I could reply to their comment, because as of today I’ve been waiting 69 working days. Yes, it’s close to 60, but faaar from 35 ๐Ÿ˜› But, they did also say they estimate her shipping sometime next week, so it shouldn’t be too long now.
Sometimes waiting too long actually kills the joy somewhat for me. I don’t know why, but I guess I’ve never been that patient.
Oh! I just realized that I can blush her rabbit feet much easier if I get my airbrush in the end ^^ Hooray ๐Ÿ˜€

Time to make some decisions

I was thinking about keeping Celine in case I ever wanted to just buy another head, but lately I’ve been thinking that maybe I’d like to have my next MNF doll on the a-line body, and to be honest there aren’t any MNF’s I’d like at the moment (apart from Nanuri-14 and Liria, which both are way to expensive right now) so I might go ahead and sell her. I know I wont get the full amount back because of my modding-error, but I was thinking that maybe I can put the money towards an airbrush and compressor!
I’m getting really sick of buying MSC, and all the troubles that go with it. It usually takes months by boat to get it, and I have a feeling that the temperature changes on the boats can mess with the quality of the spray. And now that the formula has changed, according to some rumors I’ve heard, I’m going to have to stop using MSC anyway. The new sprays have “matte” instead of “flat” on them if I remember correctly, and the name isn’t the only thing that has changed. According to a faceup artist I came across on instagram, the new formula ends up cracking after a short while, and is just not suitable for faceups any more.
I’m also sick of the MSC residue everywhere, and having to wear a mask. It’s also expensive, and like I mentioned it takes a long while to get to me too. With an airbrush, I’m able to order my materials from England, and even if I have to learn to work with a new material and tool, I think it would be worth it in the end. I’ve wanted an airbrush for years, but the prices of the compressors are so high.
I need to take proper photos before I put her up for sale, and I’ll have to figure out what to charge. Her body is in pristine condition, so that’s good ๐Ÿ™‚
I’m also debating whether or not to contact Fairyland and ask for an estimated shipping date for my May. On Monday, it’ll be a week over 60 working days, or 5 working days over to be exact. I feel like it’s too early to nag them about it, but I’m slowly dying on the inside waiting for news ๐Ÿ˜› The downside to asking is that according to themselves, it can delay my order for up to 3 days :S I’ll see if my patience can hold on a little longer ๐Ÿ™‚