Tomorrow might be the day!

I believe May will be coming home tomorrow, and to be honest I had already given up on filming the boxopening. None of the recording devices I have will focus automatically, and none offer me a good view of what I’m actually filming while opening the box. It’s also hard to see if things are in focus or not. My other challenges were that I don’t know anything about editing videos! Final issue, no good lighting! It will be late when I finally get the change to open her up, so natural light is out of the question.
I decided to try and tackle all the issues I were having as best I could. I propped up my camera, turned on my daylight lamp, and did a small test-shoot. Obviously I had to use a really high ISO, big aperture, and I had to move back to check if I was in frame and try and see on the tiny screen if things were in focus. I decided it looked okay, not professional or anything but I’ve seen worse.
I remembered that I have imovie somewhere, and I think I can do something decent with that. I even found some royalty free music I can use. So I guess I’m going to give this thing a go after all 😛