Fairy Line

Fairyland has posted a short video on youtube featuring a new girl in their new line, the Fairy line.
Oh boy are we in trouble! I’m astounded by the work behind these new bodies, they are opening up for more customization than ever before, and I imagine making hybrids will be easier too now that the neck piece is so much easier to remove.
I must also admit I’m loving the new mermaid girl, she looks really gorgeous, even if I’m not sure I’d enjoy the mermaid tail as much. It seems fun for a photo or two, but isn’t really for me. But with the same changing system as the realfee, adding new legs will be a breeze, and I’m sure Fairyland will give us more in the future.
As much as I complain about Fairyland, and despite all the issues I’ve had with them over the years, there really isn’t anyone who can compete with the “mechanics” of their dolls. I can’t begin to imagine how much word they must have put into making this new body. The only thing that concerns me are the arms. They seem to be too easy to remove, that they may get worn out and just fall out randomly 😛 But I may be wrong of course. The videos always make things look easier than they are when I try them out 😛
And! May is finally in Norway! 😀 She is currently traveling to my town, but since she hasn’t arrived at the sorting facility here yet I doubt that I’ll get her tomorrow, though there is always that tiny hope 😛 Cross your fingers for me! I really hope she’ll like the name Story once she arrives. It’s such an awesome name, and I still love my old ante elf that had the name first (though no big regrets on selling her way back when) so it would be nice to pay a little tribute to her.
Anyway, if you haven’t seen the new awesome video from Fairyland, watch it now: