I'm owned by a pukifee now

My darling is hooome πŸ˜€ I’m completely in love with her!
On with the box opening ^^

Lovely Luna is helping me ^^

Pull the thingy ^^

bubble wrap, hooray!

So hard to reach

woop woop

Such a pretty little box ^^


So close!


There she iiiis, almost! πŸ˜›

The extra goodies πŸ˜€

haalp me outta heere!

yaaay, bald and nude but free from the box ^^

Isn't her dress super cute? I really love it

Darn wig, it wont stay on at all, I probably need a silicone cap thingy

This wig is also a little loose, but it should stay on with velcro or something

seriously fairyland, this is not good!

With the sweater I made for her ^^


"you has my face!"

Story: is this girl here to stay....?


I’m SO happy, itsΒ ridiculous. I want to spoil her (even more than she will be when her stuff arrives) and I don’t want to put her down. I’m dreading monday when I have to go to work and leave her at home πŸ˜›
Prepare to be spammed with this cutie often in the future ;D

Welcome home Alice!

Yaaay, she’s here ;D

Chloe (in new shoes!) on the box πŸ˜€

Lots of foam ;D

Aaw, we both loved the little heart on the box ;D

Another heart with a cute message on it πŸ™‚

Heart cuddles

On with the box opening! I see goodies ^^

Monique wig and original wig

Beautiful dress!

The most important thing in the box

This is where I nearly fainted, she is PERFECT! And I love those hands so much, really feminine!

In her dress ;D Its beautiful, but I have a feeling it wont get much use here πŸ˜›

Blue eyes and blonde wig

I don't even remember the color of these eyes, lol ^^ I liked them on her though

Trying on wigs πŸ˜€

For some reason I love this wig on her <3

Here she is on 12mm eyes, they look really good on her I think

This is the wig she'll be using for a while πŸ™‚

I’m not sure what eye color and size I like her best in, but its easy to change it up if I ever tire of one look πŸ™‚ I’m thrilled with her, I like the body very much (except the leg joints, I think I may have to suede them eventually) and her face is fantastic. She looks good in everything and anything, she is so mild and soft looking. Absolutely perfect!
I’m still a bit in disbelief I think, that I actually have her at home ^^

Chloe is home

I wasn’t expecting her until tomorrow at least, but when I came home today and checked her tracking I found that she was at my local post office!
I quickly ran out the door to get her, I was so happy and so scared!
I opened her fairly quickly, since I was so worried there might be something wrong, so the photos are few and bad, sorry about that.

Fairyland must be all out of regular boxes, this was almost twice as high as it needed to be

My lovely assistant helping with the newspaper

New minifee boxes! it seems to be slimmer and shorter, I like it very much!


Now that we were getting closer to Chloe, we speeded things up a bit

She did not want to face us πŸ˜›

Well hello there miss absolutely beautiful perfect little thing!

Her only flaw, like my previous Rheia the hole in her neck is too big, so wobbly head syndrome

Finally dressed πŸ˜€

Look at those LIPS!

I've missed having a MNF at home... I'm so happy!



I haven’t had a look at her body in the daylight yet, so I don’t know if her body has pock marks and scratches, but if she does they can’t be too bad since I didn’t see any in room light.
She is just perfect. For once a doll from fairyland is strung pretty much perfectly, her body seems to be in good shape, and her face is adorable. I’m in trouble though, because she needs more hands, lol ^^
I probably wont have the time orΒ strengthΒ to give her a face until saturday or sunday, so poor thing will just have to wait. I can’t wait to see her with a bit of color though πŸ˜€
A big thanks to Fairyland for managing to send a few dolls out that aren’t in horrible condition, and so soon too, if all dolls where shipped this fast I’d stop looking at the MP for ever πŸ˜›

My little guilty pleasure is home!

I swear I nearly freaked when I saw how small the box was, I was sure there was no way she could have survived in one piece

Tiiiiiny box

Footsies πŸ˜€

At least the faceplates were wrapped up really nicely

A body, waiting for its face!

Why is the face-up on the sleeping plate so much better looking?

Cute <3

Sooo cute!

Okay, I was really disappointed at how dirty she is, but it is a danger when adopting dollies that have been much played with. We’ll bond nicely while cleaning her up I’m sure.
The second thing was, she has a rub on her lip that the seller didn’t tell me about… And as you can see from the photos, the face-up looks a lot better on the sleeping plate. I’ll be enhancing her face-up once she gets cleaned up, though I doubt I can do anything about the little rub. Oh, there is also a tiny rub by her eye.
The blue 10mm eyes I had gotten for her were too tiny. The 12mm she’s wearing in the photos are too big. And I have ordered another pair of 10mm for her, no doubt they’ll be too small too. I’ll figure it out.
Despite the things wrong, I adore her. She has a sort ofΒ mischievousΒ look about her that I adore <3

Hee hee :D Another one is HooOoome!

Woho πŸ˜€
I was annoyed because the UPS (yes, turned out it was UPS) tracking page said she’d be delivered at the end of the day (which according to them is 7 pm), but luckily she came earlier πŸ˜€

The girls were just hanging out, it’s a really warm day today
Me: Hey guys guess what!

Story: Another one?
Luna: What is it?
*?*: oOoo it’s big..

Me: I may have.. kind of.. adopted another girl πŸ˜›
Luna: Let’s get to work and get her out of there then!

*?*: *picks at tape*

Story: Another one of the pink pretty boxes!

*?*: This box is almost like my box..

Story: Is that her? Will she have a lollipop like the photo?
Me: Lol, no, that isn’t her and I doubt there’ll be candy with her, it would get sticky on her journey here.

Luna: No matter what she looks like, we better get her out.

Story: You’re right, I hope she is as awesome as you guys though

Luna: Another pink pillow, and I see the zipper over there

*?*: Soft pillow..
Story: Let’s work together and open it up

Story: I’ll hold it open, you guys go on and pull her out!
Luna: hellooo?
*?*: Peekaboo?

Story: Aaaaaaah! She has no FACE!
*?*: Hmm.. that can’t be right?

Luna: Of course she has a face you guys.. Don’t worry, I’ll help get you out and put together ^-^
Me: Good girl ^^ At least someone isn’t easily startled around here

Luna: Hello, pretty one. Welcome to our home πŸ™‚ I’ll let this lady here take you now, and she’ll give you eyes and clothes and everything

Me: Tadaaaa:D Hello you perfect little thing you!
*? nr2*: ..hello….

Me: Don’t be scared, we are all very nice πŸ™‚ I hope you’ll be happy with us
*? nr2*: thanks.. It doesn’t seem so bad πŸ™‚

Β Luna: I like her, can we keep her?
Me: That was the idea, yes πŸ˜€ Aaaw, look at you two! *Squeee*

My Littlefee girls πŸ˜€

Well, I’m just super happy right now πŸ˜€ Oh, the seller didn’t mention that the magnets in her wrists were loose, so I did get quite a surprise when I was changing her hands. It’s not a big deal and a pretty common problem with LTFs, I just wish she would have mentioned it.

I almost can’t believe I finally have my Ante πŸ™‚ She is so pretty! I can’t wait to photograph her more, and I can see I’ll be needing more wigs and eyes in the future πŸ˜› I’m actually not stoked about her in blue eyes, but she’ll wear them until I can figure out what color I want for her.

Opening of ze box!

Woho πŸ˜€ Everything went fine with the mailman! (He is equally fascinated every time I’m standing outside waiting for my package πŸ˜› )
On with the box opening story!

Big box!

Story: So this is her then? Inside this big brown thing?
Luna: We better get her out of there


Story: Her box is different than mine.. And there’s a picture of a boy on the outside! Are you sure this is the right package?
Me: Yes, I’m sure ^^ Her box is different because she is older than you. Fairyland used other boxes back then, and the photos were random, so there isn’t a boy in there πŸ˜‰


Luna: Is this candy for us?
Me: I think it’s for me, sweetie, but you can all have a little bit later

The most important box

Story: …I’m still not convinced there isn’t a boy in there..

Litte Fee can has spelling error

Story isn't too sure about this whole thing

Story: You sure we can’t just leave her in there?
Me: Story! Be nice!

The lid comes off

Story: geez.. I was just joking.. kinda.. See, I’m opening it..

team work!

Pink pillow πŸ˜€

Luna: What a pretty pillow!
Story: Thats not fair, I didn’t get a pillow!
Me: Story! I told you, fairyland changed how you guys travel a while back, I’m sure you can borrow it whenever you want though.


Luna: Let’s let her out
Story: yeah.. I guess we should..

*peek* I see an elf ear!


Story: OHMYGOSH she is naked!
Luna: Oh, she’s also missing eyes.. and hair
*?*: ….

a BUNCH of hands! So happy πŸ˜€


Me: There you go sweetie ^^ The wig is a little big, but we’ll get you a new one later.
*?*: ^-^

I wonder how this will go..

Story: Hello.. My name is Story.. and I’m happy to meet you.. kinda..

I wonder if Story seems scary to her πŸ˜›

*?*: ..chuu?

the two elf kids

Story: You don’t seem so bad..

squee at the cuteness!

Me: So, what do you say Story? Was she all bad like you thought she would be?
Story: No.. I approve!


Story: I like you.. Huuug!
*?*: ^-^ <3

One beautiful family πŸ˜€

Here are some extra photos of my newest one:
Sleepy face

Traveling is exhausting, I think she is happy to sit for a bit

I'm surprised at how much I love dark wigs on her

Sweetest mod ever ;D

For now she is wearing 12mm brown/gold glittery eyes, and a minifee wig that I sewed tighter in back so it won’t fall off. I may change those things later, but I didn’t really like blue eyes on her, and blonde wigs seemed a bit off πŸ˜›
I absolutely love her, she is even more beautiful in real life, and she looks even more cute next to Story!

She's home! And I might be addicted

I got two surprises in the mail today! I ordered a mohair wig on etsy, I wasn’t expecting it so soon but it arrived! And of course the lovely note telling me that my newest girl was waiting for me at the post office!
Since Luna got a new wig, and since the new girl is also a Luna, it was only logical to let her do the box opening this time πŸ™‚

Beautiful wig, beautiful dress, gorgeous girl, and a box πŸ˜€

I had no idea what color the box was, so when I saw it was pink I squeed loudly πŸ˜€

Such a tiny box! πŸ˜€

Goodies ^^ Stickers and postcards

Litte Fee, cutest spelling error ever πŸ˜›

I'm a HUGE fan of these manuals ;D

Pukifee Ante sticker, she's on my wishlist πŸ˜€

Squee! I see cuteness! And a surprise gift, a beautiful pink dress! Thanks Oda πŸ˜€

Isn't it super cute? I love it!

She's trying to look at her sister through all the bubble wrap πŸ˜‰

Out of the bubble wrap, naked and confused ;P

Temporary wig, and YAY! She fits the pipos Jr Pi dresses I've been making πŸ˜€

Adorableness, she is actually a lot bigger than I imagined, and I LOVE her size!

She had to try on the gift dress too ;D She feels pretty

Kissu! Next time you see me, I'll have a face-up and everything!

Like I mentioned, she is a LOT bigger than I had imagined, and I’m afraid that I’m in love with her size. I love her big head, her tiny hands, everything! She was an impulse buy, and since I had never seen a pukifee in real life before I was naturally a bit worried that I’d made a mistake. It was kind of a mistake, since I now want to give her a sister her own size πŸ˜› Lol ^^ The joy of these dolls!
Well, thats it for now! I have to get her glass eyes and a wig, and soon she’ll be going on all sorts of adventures πŸ™‚

Holy grail box opening!

Ever since I got my tracking number I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve had dreams as well as nightmares about this. I don’t know if you know what its like, to want a doll this bad, be completely sure you wont be able to get one until you’re 60, and when it suddenly happens its joy and fear at once, finally I’ll have her but what if I don’t like her and so on. Because sometimes the dream can be better than reality!
Well, since I knew she’d be at the post office today, I didn’t get much sleep at all. My nightmares included that the post had shipped her from my town to some other random town far away from here πŸ˜›
Anyway, I was up once at 5 am, and I got up again at 9 am, I didn’t even make a coffee before dressing and running to get her. Since this is my holy grail doll, I decided to do the box opening myself, and I apologize in advance for the horrid photos πŸ˜›

The red smart post box!

lol, the tiny(!) box within the big one!

*cue religious music* never thought I'd see this box in real life!

Someone knows how to ship a doll πŸ˜‰

getting closer...

Cloooser... (by the way, I love getting little notes when I adopt dolls!)

*grabby hands*


oh lord..

Some temporary borrowed clothes!



My conclusion: I love her.. I absolutely love her! I was prepared for her being a bit floppy, so I’m going to take her apart one day and clean her and string her a bit tighter, and of course eventually I’ll give her a new face-up, I’m thinking pink tones for her, and oooh my god how I love the resin! She has such a nice weight, and she is just… Honestly, I haven’t been able to put her down!
Her skin color is absolutely more yellow than fairyland NS, but she isn’t yellow in the sense that you look at her and think “oh my what a yellow doll”. I actually really love her color. And I love her “chunky” body, and I say chunky because I’m used to the amazingly skinny minifees, and I have to say its really comfortable to have a doll that looks more healthy, if that makes any sense at all.
I have one of my two holy grail dolls! I have my very own Lusis!! I can’t thank her previous owner enough, I promise that she’ll be loved for years to come, she’ll probably be spoiled rotten and won’t see the inside of her box other than for sleeping ;D
Oh, and I also promise to take better photos soon, the above photos don’t show even a third of her actual beauty!