Chloe is home

I wasn’t expecting her until tomorrow at least, but when I came home today and checked her tracking I found that she was at my local post office!
I quickly ran out the door to get her, I was so happy and so scared!
I opened her fairly quickly, since I was so worried there might be something wrong, so the photos are few and bad, sorry about that.

Fairyland must be all out of regular boxes, this was almost twice as high as it needed to be

My lovely assistant helping with the newspaper

New minifee boxes! it seems to be slimmer and shorter, I like it very much!


Now that we were getting closer to Chloe, we speeded things up a bit

She did not want to face us ๐Ÿ˜›

Well hello there miss absolutely beautiful perfect little thing!

Her only flaw, like my previous Rheia the hole in her neck is too big, so wobbly head syndrome

Finally dressed ๐Ÿ˜€

Look at those LIPS!

I've missed having a MNF at home... I'm so happy!



I haven’t had a look at her body in the daylight yet, so I don’t know if her body has pock marks and scratches, but if she does they can’t be too bad since I didn’t see any in room light.
She is just perfect. For once a doll from fairyland is strung pretty much perfectly, her body seems to be in good shape, and her face is adorable. I’m in trouble though, because she needs more hands, lol ^^
I probably wont have the time orย strengthย to give her a face until saturday or sunday, so poor thing will just have to wait. I can’t wait to see her with a bit of color though ๐Ÿ˜€
A big thanks to Fairyland for managing to send a few dolls out that aren’t in horrible condition, and so soon too, if all dolls where shipped this fast I’d stop looking at the MP for ever ๐Ÿ˜›