Testing eyes and wigs

I finished Chloe’s faceup yesterday, I haven’t added eyelashes yet but I plan to, eventually 😛
I forgot to take a proper pic of her with the blue/purple eyes, so here is a bad photo:

Not my favorite color for her
Not my favorite color for her

Brown eyes, looks real nice with the red wig I think
Brown eyes, looks real nice with the red wig I think

Gray eyes, they are okay but clashes a bit with the red I think
Gray eyes, they are okay but clashes a bit with the red I think

The gray works best with the white wig, but I'm not sure I like white on her
The gray works best with the white wig, but I’m not sure I like white on her

Love her profile
Love her profile

So far I prefer the brown eyes and red wig, but I’d love to see her in brown wigs as well. Unfortunately I can’t afford buying tons of new wigs and stuff right now so she will have to be patient 🙂
I noticed that she has some damage inside her headcap. I’m not sure if I’m going to bother contacting FL about it, as it really doesn’t matter, but it was still a disappointment. I keep saying I wont order during events ever again but then I always do.
I really like the size of the moe body though. Shorter and thicker than a-line, she just looks healthier to me. I still love the a-line too though 🙂
oh yeah, no shipping notice for Ruby yet :/ I really thought they were about to ship her out, but I guess I was wrong. Oh! And my Chloe did indeed come with a certificate. I get why they are doing the certificate thing, but for me it’s a piece of paper I’m likely to lose 😛 It’s fun to have though.