Quick note on Lati update

Lati finally replied, asking me to send the whole doll back so they can send me a new head and body.
They didn’t specify if I should send back the certificate, hands, box, and all that jazz so I guess I have to ask them about it again.
I think I’m going to do it. A lot of hassle over a head not matching the body but still… I think it is good that they are willing to fix it, even if I absolutely cant afford to ship anything at the moment and they didn’t say anything about compensating me for shipping from me to them.
I’m running a little late so I have to go, I’ll probably update about this later today 🙂

One thought on “Quick note on Lati update”

  1. Good! I definitely think you should send her back. There’s no reason you should have to settle for such bad matching. So I am so glad! 😀

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