Selling like crazy

So.. I just put River and Willow up for sale. Its still a feeler, but I think I’m going to sell if there is anyone interested.
The thing is, I KNOW I’ll miss photographing them, but honestly, they spend 98% of their time in the box, because I really prefer YOSD size… (Lusis is safe, for some reason she is very special to me)
I don’t want to keep an expensive doll just for the sake of photographing. And who are we kidding, I’m never going to get that body for Willow 😛 I also find sewing for the little ones much more fun..
Its a learning process, this hobby. But I still don’t understand why it has to be so hard saying goodbye?
I do think I’ll want a MNF again one day, but right now I’d rather expand my YOSD gang, maybe actually buy some quality wigs and clothes too (that they all can share being the same size, yay!) And if I ever want another MNF girl, she’ll have to be something pretty darn special, like Lusis is.
But who knows? Maybe I can get River and Willow in YOSD bodies? That sounded weird. But you guys know what I mean 🙂