Rivers new wig arrived + cuteness

Rivers wig arrived, and was pretty much a normal blond, no pinkness in it :/ But it is very pretty anyway, but I think it makes her look too different somehow.

And.. as much as I hate to say it… I think I maaaay sell her.. I feel like such a bad person, selling off my dolls! But I have sort of realized that I’m mostly into yosd size now, aside from Lusis that is. And it does make everything easier, getting clothes and wigs and so on, that they all can share.
But, no decision made yet. Here comes cuteness:

I swear she plopped down like that all by herself! Thats what I love about floppy little Story 😉 She always ends up in the cutest poses!

Isn’t she beautiful? 😀 Lol, the wings on her head helps keep the wig on 😛 It kept falling off and it was bugging me. Magnets FTW!