Ringo in Norway

My ringo is in Norway and has been released from customs 😀 If everything goes smoothly, she should be home tomorrow!
And I also contacted oscar doll, and they agreed to change one of the eyes I ordered from 16mm to 14mm, so the purple ones stay 16mm and will be for my Cygne, and the multicolor ones will come in 14mm 🙂
I’m so happy right now, my dolls are in a great place, I’m getting some nice eyes, and most of the faces I wanted to sell have been sold (only a LTF faceplate left).
I’m thinking of selling some unused wigs and clothes, but I dread putting stuff up on instagram or facebook. I also really hate going to the post office 😛 But I have so much stuff, and my tastes have changed so much over the years. I’m trying to purge old stuff from my house, and at some point I will have to purge doll stuff too.
I just cant wait to meet my little cat, I hope I have some nice eyes for her laying around 🙂