Oh my gosh I did it!

My previous post was about how my realfee dream was crushed, but I was wrooong!
I realized my tax return should be here soon, close to the end of the event period, so I contacted Fairyland and they told me I could place my order and make a note that my payment would be delayed. So I did it! I placed my order for the complete package May!
But then something even more amazing happened, my boyfriend was able to lend me over half her price so I actually just finished paying her off! I still have to wait until Fairyland registers that I’ve paid, but that should happen very soon 🙂 May is soon officially mine <3
For once I went full out, and here is my order:
– May in natural skin
– Complete package which includes: Sleeping face, default faceup (on open head), wig, outfit, shoes, wings, bunny ears and box
– I chose bunny parts in BW and soso gift faceplate
– I chose the eye upgrade as well, since I’m doing this thing 😛 (Not really a fan of the sparkly eyes)
– Free pukifee to realfee connector
– Event gift: Even though I was eligeble for the Littlefee Soso faceplate, I went with the pukifee Soso instead. I have a feeling it wont be as cute when it gets as large as a Littlefee 😛 I chose NS
This means I end up with 2 Soso faceplates, but I’ve never really been a fan of the Realpuki, though as you’ve guessed I like Soso better than Pupu. I might put them both on the MP when I get them, but I’ll see what I feel when I get them. It never hurts to have some extra faces laying around to test faceups and stuff on. If many people are looking to buy them I’ll probably sell them though.
That was a LONG post. And fitting I guess, since it’ll be a long wait before my girl is home. I’m thinking of naming her Story, after my old Littlefee Ante girl 🙂 Ante was such a cutie, and I absolutely love the name Story, so I find it fitting. We’ll see what she thinks about it when I have her home 😀