Hello dolly world!

I may have completely neglected my blog for a looong while 😛 But that is not really new, is it?
To summarize since last time, I’m down to only 4 BJDs right now. I’m predicting a Littlefee in my future, and one or two Minifees 🙂 But not any time soon. As for the MNFs, I’d really love a Celine 🙂
You may remember my latest purchase, the azone pure neemo with obitsu head. She’s been sitting waiting patiently for a face, because the MSC I ordered on january 27th didn’t actually start it’s journey (by boat) until almost a month later, so that still hasn’t arrived with me! I’m hoping it’ll be here very soon, maybe by the end of this month, and then she’ll FINALLY get a face 🙂
And lastly, I’m currently browsing and learning about Blythe dolls 🙂 I am planning on buying my very first one soon! But I need to learn about the facemolds (SBL FBL and god knows what else) and find one that I like, that isn’t too expensive. I would really love to try customizing one, maybe carving the lips a bit and all that, so I dont want to buy one that costs too much. I would love it if she came with a hair color and outfit I liked though. I’m also a little scared of buying fakes :S
So anyway, I’ll try to actually remember posting here when and if I purchase my first Blythe 🙂 And hopefully share photos when my Obitsu Neemo gets her face done!