Major update

I haven’t been very active for a long while, and part of that is because of stuff happening in real life, but another big part of it is because I have too many dolls. I already knew that I prefer to have a small amount of dolls, but I’m always tempted by beautiful sculpts and keep trying to increase my dolly family, but I always end up not playing with them at all.
So I made a decision, I was going to get rid of the dolls that I wasn’t enjoying as much, and I have! I have sold my tan puki Ruby (finding eyes for her was such a struggle! Honestly, 6mm eyes that are perfect are hard to come by), my pukifee Luna (I much prefer my Ante, Litja) and the hardest doll to sell, my Dust of Dolls Lünn. Her bodyshape is gorgeous, but makes it hard to find clothes and sew for her. So those 3 have found new homes now!
I’m planning on getting a Littlefee instead of those 3 dolls, but I cant decide on which girl to get. It’ll be LTF Luna or Ante (no elf ears!) but I just can’t decide.
Anyway, I’m feeling a little sad, but SO relieved at selling. I’ve even started enjoying my remaining dolls so much more already! Litja never leaves my side, and I’m having so much fun looking online for stuff like clothes and furniture.
Hopefully I’ll start updating my blog more often again 🙂