Shipping date getting closer

So the 50 working days mark is closing in for both Chloe and tan Ruby! I must admit I’ve started checking my order status a few times a day, though there is still the possibility of delays 😛
I’m just so excited, I can’t wait to see the Moe body and I’m excited to see what the tan color looks like in person. I’m having a hard time thinking of what colors I should use for the tan Ruby’s face. I may not go overboard with colors anyway since she’s so young looking.
I don’t remember if I’ve mentioned this in any posts before, but I’ve wanted to learn how to make my own wigs for a while, and after I got my current puki Ruby and my little Lünn, those dreams have turned into a necessity. It’s true that Lünn can use the same wigs as the PKFs, but not without some issues. Lünn has an egg-shaped head, so many wigs will slip off, or give her a giant forehead. Anyone who owns a Puki knows how hard it is to find wigs that look natural, and stays on without much issue. Puki wigs tend to be giant, stand out of the head too much and look bad, in my opinion.
There are many tutorials out there on how to make wigs, I was thinking I may collect some links and add to an info page, but we’ll see what I end up doing.
Photos for fun:
Photo 08.03.14 00 08 14
Photo 08.03.14 00 07 38
Photo 08.03.14 00 04 59
Photo 07.03.14 23 33 28