Things I wanna do some day

I’ve actually gathered ingredients for several projects that I’d like to get done one day, and photographing LΓΌnn with Lusis’ top made me think about it again.
I’ve got stamps, ink pads suitable for fabrics, and fabric paint. I always wanted to design my own clothes in all kinds of ways, but as usual I’m stopped by the fact that I can’t design patterns. Also, I suck at drawing and painting, lol ^^
At times like this, when I’m feeling all inspired, I get reminded of my sewing machine and it’s hatred for anything tiny, stretchy or knitted. And my machine needs a lot of seam allowance, or it will push the fabric.
I’m also still working on rooms for the dolls. The one I started ages ago doesn’t really work, because it’s too small. The few furniture pieces I have are too big, and since I don’t have a zoom/tele lens for my camera I need the walls to be wide and very high. I did do some improvements on it today though! I decided I wanted to make it a dreamy room for the dolls to relax in, not much furniture but rather pictures on the walls and stuff, so I made new floors in white instead of the ugly brown I had earlier. I think it’s going to look nice, but the next room I make I want to use wood instead of foam board. My boards are not very sturdy and it’ll be a pain to get any wallpaper to stick to it, not to mention adding any decor to the walls.
I also plan to try and make a couple of wigs. There are a few tutorials out there using glue to make a wig cap, and then just glueing strips of hair from bottom to top until you have a nice wig. It would be a great idea for my Ruby, since I can’t seem to get any nice fitting wigs for her.
There are still other things I’d like to get done, and I’ve been feeling very inspired lately πŸ™‚ It comes and goes usually but I’ve been very inspired for a long while now! If only I had the funds to get started on everything right now, lol ^^ Especially the dolly rooms will take me a long time since I have to get bits and pieces here and there, but hopefully it’ll work out eventually.

One thought on “Things I wanna do some day”

  1. Lol, the endless creative “I Want to Do” List. πŸ˜€ I don’t want to even bother to write mine down. I would love to see the rooms you are working on if you ever want to share pics. Sounds cool! πŸ™‚

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