When it rains

Oh boy do I have news.
I contacted Dust of Dolls to hear if it was normal for shipping to be this darn slow, and it wasn’t. Me and two others are in the same boat.
Of course, later that same day Lünn arrived in Norway, and there was some debacle on her tracking I’ve never seen before! It basically said that she had been sent to storage because they needed Import / vat number? But suddenly it said documentation received, and she was on her way to be properly declared (and custom fees calculated), so she has FINALLY been sorted and is on her way to my town now. If nothing else stops her, I have her home tomorrow <3
It’ll be so nice because I actually have the day off tomorrow, I need to ship some things and stuff though, so I’ll probably spend half the day at the post office 😛 But yeah, she’ll probably be here and tons of photos to come ;D
But I got another surprise today! I got my shipping notice from Lati, my y. Lea is on her waaaay! I was not expecting her for another month or so, but nope, someone is in a hurry to come home 🙂 I sincerely hope she’ll have a better NS than my Belle head though.. Oh well, I’ll know soon enough. I’m tempted at having her tanned if I hate her color :>
I can’t believe myself sometimes, here I was, thinning down my resin family, and BOOM! I’ll have a bunch of dolls again 😛 But the PKF sized ones, they are so tiny, I don’t feel crowded by them ;P And I just love that Lati Yellow and Pukifee can share stuff, easier shopping 😉