
I’ve been looking for faceup inspirations for my new girl. I keep coming back to Rakeru Space, she is so talented. She’s done a lot of Ante faceups too, in all sizes 🙂
Here is a link to her Flickr, and here is a link to her site.
This is one of her faceups, and is pretty close to what I had in mind for my girl:
I want red-ish lips, brown eyeshadow and slightly sad eyebrows.
She’s also done a very colorful girl that I really like:
See? Talented!
I also have a soft spot for this girl, I’m pretty sure her faceup is done by Viridian House (hard to miss a Caroline faceup, lol) and is currently owned by The Peach Peddler:
Pukifee Ante Baby Dragon
But I have no chance of doing such details on a small face. I love the shape of her eyebrows though.