Goodbye and hello

My little Silva is adopted and on her way to her new mommy 🙂
I’ve been thinking really hard about what to do next, which is kind of stupid since I’ve wanted a PKF Bonnie for ages.
I’m having a hard time deciding though, if I should look at the marketplaces or order her directly from Fairyland. I’m also debating if I should get her with default face-up or not.
Getting her second hand means she’ll be here faster, but if I order from Fairyland I can add some extra hands, that I’ve wanted for a long time now..
The problem with the default faceup is that, sometimes it’s pretty, sometimes it’s not. I think FL was better at the PKF face-ups a couple of years ago. I’ve seen newer Bonnies with extremely red lips, and they have painted ALL of her lip so it looks like she has a giant mouth. Also they’ve been blushing her cheeks with orange colors :S I don’t like that. And paying over $40 for a faceup I might end up removing, yeah, no.
Then we have the second hand market prices. Why on earth would I want to pay $330 for a PKF with an awful custom faceup + 5% fees + shipping when I can get a blank new one from FL at $210? And I really dont want the sleepy faceplate, so not keen on paying extra for that either.
With all that being said.. I’m starting to feel really excited about adding another cutie to my small PKF army. I want her home right now, lol ^^
Hello Mary Lou
Click on photo to go to the owners flickr 😉 Look at that cute face! aaww 😀