Thinking about old dollies

I caught myself thinking about the dolls I once owned. It’s been quite a few 😉
My taste in dolls has changed a lot over the past years. It’s still changing actually. It’s all Lusis’ fault 😛 When she came home I felt something special, and I discovered a joy that I hadn’t really felt with any other doll before. It’s the reason I have the guts to sell dolls that I’m just not completely happy with. I know that it’ll be worth it when I take home a doll I love more <3 (like my PKF’s!)
But every once in a while I miss some of the long lost dolls.
If I had been a rich lady I would have kept my Jr Pi Cheshire Odin. He was a silly little thing :3 I may adopt a new cheshire some day in the future when I feel I can afford it and have the space.
Surprisingly I also miss my minifee Chloe. I know I’ll adopt a new Chloe some time in the future, but right now I’m waiting for Budle and I feel 2 MSD girls will be more than enough for now.
Of course I also miss the other girls I’ve owned, but Chloe and Odin are the only two I would think about getting again. Oh, that’s not true, I’d also like a MNF Shushu again one day, but a mod. I was always annoyed at the fact that she doesn’t have eyelids (sounds weird, I know) so I’d like a dreaming shushu with a modded nose and mouth 😛 So that won’t happen in the near future 😛
Oh, MNF Rheia didn’t stay with me for long so I don’t know how I would have felt about her if I had kept her. Trading her for Lusis was of course the best thing to do then, but she may be back in the future too.
As you can see, I plan on getting rich in the future, lol ^^
For now, I’m very happy though. But it is fun to think about the dolls I used to know 🙂