Alice may have a new owner

Alice is on hold until may 3rd. The lady tells me that she is positive she’s getting her, she just needs to put funds on her card. So hopefully she’ll be on her way to her new home next week!
It’s always sad to see a doll go, and it’s no different with Alice. The truth is, I absolutely love her face, her body not so much, but it doesn’t matter since she pretty much stays in her box all day :/
The good thing is I can start planning my tiny army now!
It sounds simple enough, but it isn’t!
I’m so torn, what tiny should I get? Should I get two? Or spend the extra money on wigs, eyes and clothes? And if I get a pukifee, should I get her straight from Fairyland so I can order extra hands at the same time?
I swear, this hobby will be the death of me one day, lol ^^ At least it will be a cute death.
As for the tiny army dream of mine, I’m thinking about these girls:
– Pukifee Luna
– Blank pukifee ante
– Pukifee Bonnie
– Pukifee Mio (though she does seem like a copy of pukifee luna if you ask me)
– Lati Yellow Lea
The only thing holding me back from Lati Yellows is that I really like the pukifee body, and I’m not too sure about the lati yellow body.
Oh! I had to laugh a little.. Since I’m selling Alice to expand my tinies, several people have asked me about Lusis, wanting to buy her ^^ But I’m just not letting her go. Even if Story and Alva goes (which is highly unlikely) she’ll be here with me 🙂 The only time I’d ever consider selling her is if new Unoas with a pinker skintone were released. Even then I’d have a hard time, and probably end up with two instead 😉
Random cuteness:
To think I’ll have two of those things soon, I’m going to be so broke 😛