Monster High madness

I’m blown away by the positive feedback I’ve gotten on my Draculaura on Flickr 🙂 People seem to really like her, and I have to admit I’m loving her lots myself 😀
Spectra however, is giving me a headache. I can’t seem to get her to look nice. I’ve tried painting her three times, and I’ve even managed to get some stains on her that just won’t go away.. Not sure how I managed it, but since she cost me a bit more than Draculaura it just had to happen 😛 I’m not giving up though, I’ll get her right some day!
Aaand.. I bought a third one 😛 She is a Skull Shores Abbey Bominable, her glittery hair and body was just too cute to pass up! I don’t have box opening photos of her because I opened her while Skyping with mom 😉 I’ll have some photos to show soon though. I’ve already removed her face, and she is so cute!