The making of twins

I got two Minifee Carl heads to do face-ups on, and this is how they got faces:

After this point the owner requested that I tried to make the eyebrows less curved, which I’m really happy about since I have this awful habit of making eyebrows like that and I don’t even like it 😛 So I got to try my hand at different eyebrows:

After this I noticed some WEIRD flaking under and around both noses, and upon further investigation I noticed that it seemed like the MSC wouldn’t dry in that spot. it flaked while I was watching, so naturally I removed both face-ups and redid them as close to the first try as possible.
Sometimes its good to do something twice, and I really think they turned out better the second time around:

Next up was adding beauty marks, I didn’t want to overdo it, as it is easier to add more than to take away 😛

All that is left is to do the final coats of MSC, then add some gloss 🙂 I’ll post photos when they are completely finished of course!