General update

I got a temp job again, so I’m pretty much exhausted when I come home. Usually I just plop myself on my bed with dollies around me and watch american dad until bedtime 😛 Not very exciting, I know 😛
I’ll be doing face-ups on twin boys soon, more info to come ^^
I’m debating getting another doll. My old Pipos Jr Pi vanilla ringos are back on the MP. But, I just don’t enjoy kitties the way I enjoy the human girls. There is also a Dollzone Feilian on the MP that I’m in love with, but unsure if I should get her again or not. I’m still in love with Souldoll Fafner too. Oh, oh! Soom will also be releasing Afi and Ai again.
Everything else dolly related is going very nicely 🙂 I’m loving everyone so much, and I hope I can take some photos of the gang to share soon 🙂 My little pukifee cutie is so adorable, she just got a new outfit and a pink fake fur wig, and my LTF girls got new headbands with flowers on them 😀 Modigli is sporting a new wig, and Lusis is waiting for a new outfit.
I’m still waiting for eyes from Captured in glass too, hopefully I’ll have new eyes for Lusis, Modigli and little Ante 😉
I hope everyone is having a fun time with their dollies ;D