Pukifee rant

Ever since my little one came home I’ve been debating wether or not I want another pukifee.
The only other pukifees that are tempting, are Luna and Bonnie.
I’m a bit afraid that Bonnie is too sad looking for me, and Luna has a very dark face-up which I love but at the same time think I’ll get tired of eventually. I could order blank, but it didn’t go so well with my previous Luna, but I do have more confidence in my face-ups now.
But the thing is.. I like my Ante being the only pukifee in my house. And if I reeaaally wanted Luna or Bonnie I would probably have started saving up already. But who knows, maybe Fairyland will release new pukifee in the future? Maybe Ante and I are just waiting for her perfect new sister? 😀
Oh, there is one thing that is tempting me though 😛 Getting another pukifee ante with a sleeping faceplate, and getting someone to mod her eyes to dreamy. That way they’d be sort of the tiny versions of Story and Alva ;D Well, only in looks of course. It could be fun, but it could also be too much!
I’m enjoying my time at home right now, and we even found a little suitcase that is a perfect place for Ante to sleep 😀 I think I may take it home with me, because its just the perfect size for travel and provides protection! I’ll just sew a little pouch or something for her that fits in the case ^^