Saving saving

It was really painful to sell of my pukifee ante, and yesterday I got the wig I had ordered for her, lol ^^
So now I’m going to save up until I can buy her from Fairyland, with an extra pair of hands.
She was the cutest little thing, and I loved the tiny size so much. Not to mention how photogenic she was! I have to admit I’m itching bad to get her.
I’m still happy I sold her to get Alice of course 😉
Dolls I have owned but sold for lack of cash that will be back one day:
Dollzone Feilian
Littlefee Ante
MNF Rheia
PKF Ante
Pipos Mari (but this time with flat chest for sure)
But first on the list is pukifee Ante for sure 🙂 Second is either LTF Ante or Dollzone Feilian.
Of course, my plans could always change if there is new dollies released 😛