Lol, eyes

I don’t know why I even bother 😛 I purchased more eyes from the seller I bought from last time, where the photo was of a bright pink and I got dark purple 😛
Allright, check this out. Here are the seller photos:

described as brown

described as gold (so I was prepared for a little bit darker)

described as pink

Now, here is my photos.. I can honestly hardly tell the difference between brown and pink:
Wearing gold in the eye closest, and brown in the other

wearing brown, I actually like the color of these

yup, these are the pink ones 😛

pink and gold with flash.

What I DO like about these eyes, the pupils aren’t deep black in real life, I see them as sort of a reeaally dark brown, which I find beautiful and a bit softer than perfectly black ones. Both the pink and brown eyes are beautiful, even if not as advertised. The gold ones.. well, to me they are a dirty green/yellow-ish color which I absolutely hate.
Lusis ended up in her purple eyes again, and I’m trying out the brown ones on Alva. I may order the brown and pink ones in 14mm later, simply because I liked the softness of the colors.