Lotsa bags!

I tried another pattern and also tried to improve on the old pattern!

Β All 3 bagsThis is all 3 bags, the one on the left is a new pattern, the one in the middle is the first bag I made only I ironed it to make it shape differently on the sides, and the one on the right is the same only with lining.

Closeup of all bags:


Β Bag #1
Bag #2
Bag #3

A bag, and hairclip!

I tested the bag pattern from DollyDolly coordinate recipe. It was fast and fun to make, but doesn’t have lining so it’s not very pretty on the inside. I’ll probably try to make my own bag patterns eventually.

Β Unoa purse

Unoa purse

Aaand.. Earlier I ordered some snap buttons from etsy, and she included a couple of free goodies with my order! Two of these gifts were hair clips with stars on them, and of course I put them in Luna’s hair straight away. She looks so beautiful with them:

I want more of these!


I want Chloe home NOW!
Seriously, this is going to be the worst wait EVER. And when she is finally here I know I’m going to have major issues doing her face-up, because it has to be perfect!
I asked Fairyland on Twitter if there is still delays on orders, and they said no, but they’ll be going on some holiday thing later so she will in fact be a few days delayed because of that. As far as I know that holiday only lasts a few days, 3 or 4, so thats fine. Sooo I can expect her home in 50-60 working days.
If I counted correctly, 50 working days will be on the 14th of november, and 60 working days will actually be on my birthday! The 28th of november. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present πŸ˜€ Even if the wait will be horrid πŸ˜› I’m still hoping that she’ll take a bit less since I ordered her blank. Live in hope and dreams, right? πŸ˜€
A part of me is still debating if I should purchase another doll, wait to see if there will be new dolls released that I want, or just blow the small amount of cash on wigs, eyes, clothes and stuff for sewing. I really want another doll but funny thing, there isn’t a single one out there that I’ve seen that I can’t live without πŸ˜› I really like Rosen Lied Beige, but my heart doesn’t jump when I see her. I’ve also been toying with the idea of a Narae, but I’m just not sure about her (and she is also out of my price range right now).
And of course I went and fell in love with Pipos Derek basic edition 2. I think he is soooo beautiful, but seing as I just sold off my anthros because I didn’t enjoy them as much, getting a YOSD sized GUY cat, lol, probably not the best idea πŸ˜› But I really think he is stunning… The basic face-up with the little scar and everything, aah..
Too much talk from me again today, here is a photo of a pair of socks I made for Lusis yesterday:


Failed dress, but still okay!

I wanted to make a dress for Alva. Turns out that fabric was horrible to sew with, and while I wanted it to be foofy it turned out Waaaay too foofy πŸ˜›
To save the dress, I added a ribbon around her waist. Now the dress actually looks sort of beautiful, and Alva isn’t complaining, thats for sure πŸ˜‰

Β Vintage Alva

Alva in deep thought

Oh, I also upgraded my Flickr account to pro. I really didn’t want only my latest 200 photos to show, and since I actually use Flickr very often and love it so much, I might as well pay πŸ˜›

I really like Flickr. At first I didn’t use it for much, but it really is a community! People started adding me and fav’ing my photos, and I started doing the same, and I’ve met some lovely people that way! $25 for one year is absolutely fair for all that πŸ˜‰

My first commission!

A nice lady contacted me on Flickr because she liked a couple of the dresses I made for my girls πŸ™‚ I had enough fabric left to make two more, and the first one is done!
I was a bit annoyed after finding a spot on the fabric, after spending hours sewing and serging and stuff, but I gave her a discount on it because of it and it’s in a fold so it doesn’t really show.

kitty dressI’m really proud of it πŸ™‚

While I don’t plan on taking on commissions in the future, I do want to make some dresses for sale eventually. I’ll put them in a set on flickr, and just post prices and stuff in the description. I’ll put them up here too, for those of you who follow my blog ^^

Edit to add photo of the other finished dress:

kitty dress 2

organizing, and a new sweater!

I bought this little shelf system thing, and it’s perfect for easy access to small things like eyes, socks, yosd shoes and so on:


I’m in the process of labeling each drawer.
And I decided toΒ tweakΒ my sweater pattern a bit more, as I wasn’t perfectly happy with the fit earlier. I didn’t sew a test first, so I knew there was potential for disaster πŸ˜› Luckily it turned out absolutely perfect, exactly how I wanted it to be! And I even used my edging foot to help make the sleeves look nicer (the fabric stays in place even if tiny hands pull on the edges when putting it on) and ironed after every step.

The fabrics I used are the ones I bought yesterday. The pink went perfectly with the kitties as there are small pink hearts on it as well πŸ™‚ I need new tights to go with though, since the ones she is wearing is white, and the sweater is a creamier color.
I’m so happy with my new sweater pattern, I may have toΒ tweakΒ the pattern I made for Lusis as well.

A dress

I wanted to test out a pattern from the dollydolly book, and I had what was supposed to be a LTF dress laying around. I combined the top with the dress/skirt and it turned out pretty good. She’s also wearing a fairyland petticoat underneath, and a KristinKreations crochet hat.

Sorry for extremely bad photo πŸ˜›

I’m not super happy about the fit of the top, and it still needs a couple of buttons in the back, but doesn’t she look cute? πŸ˜€ I swear those shoes makes it impossible for her to stand, but they are so awesome that we tried anyway πŸ˜›


More sewing!
I remembered I promised to show a photo of the halloween dress:

bad photo, cute dress, adorable Ante πŸ˜€

And I bought a dress today at the childrens part of the store. I plan on using the fabric to make Lusis a new dress, but it’ll be a while since I need to make a pattern first. Doesn’t she look cute though?
Flowery fun

I also finally got around to glueing her thigh thingies today πŸ˜€ Yaaay for stuff that is done!